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py-notebook_shim For switching to Jupyter Server
py-openapi-core (V) Client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3
py-openapi-schema-validator (V) OpenAPI schema validation for Python
py-openapi-spec-validator (V) OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI 3.0 spec validator
py-openapi3 (V) Client and Validator of OpenAPI 3 Specifications
py-owslib (V) OGC Web Service utility library
py-parsel Library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS
py-paste Middleware for Python WSGI applications
py-PasteDeploy Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
py-PasteScript Pluggable command-line frontend for setting up package file layouts
py-peak-rules (V) Generic functions and business rules support systems
py-pelican Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax
py-plaster_pastedeploy Loader implementing the PasteDeploy syntax to be used by plaster
py-pook HTTP traffic mocking and expectations made easy
py-posting Modern API client that lives in your terminal
py-postorius The New Mailman Web UI
py-priority Pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree
py-protego Pure-Python robots.txt parser with support for modern conventions
py-publicsuffix2 Public suffix for a domain name using the Public Suffix List
py-publicsuffixlist Public Suffix List parser implementation
py-purl Immutable URL class for easy URL-building and manipulation
py-pylint-django Pylint plugin to aid Pylint in recognising the Django framework
py-pylsqpack Python wrapper for the ls-qpack QPACK library
py-pyramid (V) Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project
py-pysaml2 Python implementation of SAML Version 2
py-pystache Mustache for Python
py-python-mimeparse Module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names
py-python-multipart Streaming multipart parser for Python
py-python3-digest Python library to aid in implementing HTTP Digest Authentication
py-rauth (V) Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumers
py-rcssmin Fast CSS minifier for Python
py-rdf (V) Pure Python package providing the core RDF constructs
py-readability-lxml (V) Fast HTML to text parser (article readability tool)
py-recaptcha Plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide
py-recommonmark (V) Docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark
py-requests (V) HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
py-requests-mock (V) Mock out responses from the requests package
py-requests-ntlm (V) NTLM authentication handler for python-requests
py-requests-wsgi-adapter WSGI Transport Adapter for Requests
py-respx Utility for mocking out the Python HTTPX library
py-rfc3986 Validating URI References per RFC 3986
py-rfc3986-validator Pure Python RFC3986 validator
py-rfc3987 Parsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987)
py-rjsmin Fast Javascript minifier for Python
py-robobrowser Your friendly neighborhood web scraper
py-robot-detection Detect web crawlers using HTTP User Agent
py-Routes Python re-implementation of the Rails routes system for mapping URLs
py-rss2gen Python module to generate RSS feeds
py-sanic Microframework based on uvloop, httptools, and learnings of flask
py-sanic-routing Core routing component for Sanic
py-scgi Simple Common Gateway Interface
py-scrapy High-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
py-selectolax (V) Fast HTML5 parser with CSS selectors
py-selenium Python bindings for Selenium
py-sentry (V) Realtime logging and aggregation server
py-sigal Simple static gallery generator
py-simpletal Stand alone implementation of the Zope TAL
py-singer-python (V) utility library
py-singer-tap-github (V) Singer Tap to extract data from the GitHub API
py-singer-tap-jira (V) Singer Tap to extract data from the JIRA API
py-slugify (V) Slugify (non-ASCII to ASCII) application that handles Unicode
py-soupsieve CSS4 selector implementation for Beautiful Soup
py-sparqlwrapper SPARQL endpoint interface to Python
py-speaklater (V) Implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext
py-starlette Little ASGI library that shines
py-swh-web (V) Software Heritage Web UI
py-swh-web-client (V) Software Heritage Web client
py-swiftclient Python bindings to the OpenStack Object Storage API
py-swish-e Simple Python binding for Swish-E
py-sydent Matrix Identity Servers
py-telepath Data exchange library between Django and browser
py-terminado Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets
py-test-aiohttp Pytest plugin for aiohttp support
py-test-django Django plugin for pytest
py-test-httpbin Easily test your HTTP library against a local copy of httpbin
py-test-httpx Send responses to httpx
py-test-jupyter Pytest plugin for testing Jupyter libraries and extensions
py-test-sanic Pytest plugin for Sanic
py-tornado Fast and non-blocking web framework
py-toro (V) Synchronization primitives for Tornado coroutines
py-toronado (V) Fast lxml-based CSS stylesheet inliner
py-toscawidgets (V) Web widget creation toolkit based on TurboGears widgets
py-treq (V) HTTP library for Twisted
py-trio-websocket (V) WebSocket library for Trio
py-trytond-web-user The web_user module of the Tryton application platform
py-twill Simple scripting language for web browsing
py-txrequests (V) Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans
py-uritemplate (V) Python implementation of RFC6570, URI Template
py-urllib3 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling
py-URLObject Utility class for manipulating URLs
py-uvicorn The lightning-fast ASGI server
py-uwsgi Feature-rich WSGI server
py-uwsgitop Command to interface with the uWSGI stats server
py-vcrpy simplifies and speeds up tests that make HTTP requests
py-vprof (V) Visual profiler for Python
py-w3lib Python library of web-related functions
py-wadllib (V) Library for navigating WADL files
py-wagtail Django-based Content Management System
py-wagtailmenus Menu system for the Wagtail CMS
py-wagtailnews News system for the Wagtail CMS